Gregory Rodriguez recently had an excellent article in the Los Angeles Times entitled "The danger of not knowing how to inquire." In many ways, it is a positive review Andrea Batista Schlesinger's new book, "The Death of Why?" but, more broadly, the article questions American's penchant for action.
In part, this penchant for action is a product of our "desire for certainty [for] hard facts, quick answers."
But what if there are no "hard answers"?
Batista- Schlesinger writes, "What we need to acknowledge, now more than ever, is that we do not know everything. We cannot know everything. Knowledge changes … the future is a moving target, and the ground beneath us will never be still. The only thing we can count on to see us through an uncertain future is our ability to ask questions."
Batista Schlesinger is right. The world is moving beneath our feet; we do need to ask new questions; and we must all have a little more intellectual humility.
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