
If a picture is worth a thousand words how much is a picture within a picture worth? That’s the question every video provider should be asking itself because, like this famous picture from Pere Borrell del Caso, there is often more to a picture than meets the eye.

Earlier today, I came across a new full page ad in the Wall Street Journal from Cisco saying that “Video, the killer app, just got better.” It is touting a new telepresence interoperability protocol. What makes “telepresence” so exciting is not simply the ability to communicate with other individuals or groups in real-time; it is the ability to share additional information with them in a deeper, more visual and, ultimately, more meaningful manner.

Consider, for example, the case of a doctor communicating with a patient about a rare genetic disease which affects the heart. Instead of simply providing information orally and, perhaps, conferring with another doctor for a second opinion in real-time, the doctor will also be able show her a video of what is happening at the molecular level inside her body; display a 3-D rendering of her heart to explain how the disease is progressing; and provide the patient with a more intuitive and easy-to-understand chart (or graph) showing her the odds of being successfully treated by different treatment options.

Humans are visual creatures and, to the extent that video still soon be able to layer additional data on top of—and into—video, we will all be better off.