One of the things I do in my own ongoing effort to unlearn is to, on a regular basis, try new things. Today, I tried out IBM’s innovative Many Eye’s tool. Among other things, it helps people "see" information in a new and different light.

To test out the technology, I listed the number of deaths which occurred in the United States from 2000-2005 and listed them by cause. Here is what the information looked like in a print format. 

Cause of death                         Number

Terrorism                                 3,000

Homicide                                  96,000

Drunk Driving                           102,000

Obesity                                    154,884

Suicide                                    180,000

Second-hand smoke                  228,000

Medical mistakes                      264,000

Diabetes                                  436,890

Cancer                                     2,311,134

Heart disease                          3,119,142

Here is what it looks like in a visual format:


Bottomline: How you present information makes a big difference. Perhaps if our elected representatives viewed more information in this light they might decide to spend less money on some activities (such as the "war on terrorism" perhaps) and more on others — such as preventing suicide or heart disease.