After a year and a half of using this website as a kind of notebook for my ideas about unlearning, I will soon be merging this site with my main website,, under a totally new site ( in which I intend to brand myself as a futurist, an agent of change, author, speaker and thought-leader.

As part of the process, I've been working with a leading SEO firm, Traffic Resources, to think through both my SEO strategy as well as my new design. As part of the latter process, I provided them a few websites which I liked.

Afterwards, the firm's representative asked me: "What sites don't you like?" The point being that Traffic Resources understood it could learn just as much about me from knowing what I don't like — as it could from knowing what I do like.

I've said it before and I'll say it again — unlearning can be as easy as asking a new question or flipping a common question on its head. It's just that sometimes I need to be reminded of this simple idea myself.