CareerChoice Unlearning is about having some intellectual humility and checking your ego. To this end, I'd like to suggest that another way to unlearn is draft up an anti-resume. An anti-resume is, quite simply, a list of knowledge you don't have or experiences which you haven't yet, well, experienced.

For example, what didn't you study in college? 

What books or magazines don't you read? 

What jobs haven't you held?

Where in the world haven't you traveled?

The list could go on and on and my point isn't make you feel inadequate (all you have to do to rectify the above shortcomings is add the "yet" after each statement.) Rather, it is to highlight how little each of us really knows.

Remember, the key to future is not about "knowing what you know," it's more about "knowing what you don't know." And, admit it, you don't even know as much as you'd like to know. The proof is on your anti-resume.