My other business website,, is dedicated to tracking the near exponential rate of change in a variety of technological fields, including nanotechnology, biotechnology, the informational sciences, robotics, etc.  For the past few years I have occasionally discussed why unlearning was such a critical skill in helping leaders, executives, managers and even entire organizations deal with the accelerating pace of change. (The need became so critical that I developed this standalone website.)

Today, however, when reading this article entitled "The Great Unlearning" (which is more spiritual in nature), I came across this quote about unlearning which strikes at a profound theme:

"When the pace of genetic evolution falls behind the pace of environmental change, a species, like dinosaurs, can get wiped out. The corporate equivalent is wholesale layoffs and massive restructuring. Only with anticipatory unlearning can one hope for a bloodless revolution. The unlearning most needed is that of regarding wisdom and profit as divergent."

Coming in light of today's announcement that General Motors is filing for bankruptcy protection, it is worth considering how the company and, indeed, the entire American automotive industry and its associated labor unions, might have engaged in some "anticipatory unlearning" to avoid this unfortunate situation.

More important, for those of you who are still in business, now is a good time to think about how you and your company or organization can engage in "anticipatory unlearning." The idea might seem like a frivolous exercise but I can guarantee you it'll be more pleasant than going out of business. 

(If you or your organization is looking for help in this area, feel free to contact me at or 612-267-1212.)