Yesterday, I explained how fast the world is moving and suggested that we all need to adjust to a new reality of “constant disruption.” In keeping with this theme, I want to highlight three articles from today’s news. The first outlines a plan to create a “comprehensive” map of a mammalian brain. The ultimate hope is to map a human brain in order to better understand such neurodevelopmental diseases as autism, schizophrenia and depression. The second article highlights how a new advance in computer software might radically speed up the mapping process.

The significance of this is that while researchers in the first article are thinking that their project will takes years, the advance in the second article strongly suggests it will take much less time. In other words, the future will arrive sooner than expected.

However, researchers involved in both projects are unlikely aware of the work of yet a third group of researchers who, according to this article, are applying the enhanced understanding of the brain (which the researchers in the first two articles are creating) to build a new generation of intelligent robots which will have more versatility and perform a wider variety of jobs because their actions will actually mimic the human brain.

The confluence and convergence of different technologies is going to lead to some startling and astounding advances. It is time we all begin wrapping our brain around this new future.

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