With apologies to Timbuk 3, sometimes ”the future is so bright, I’ve got to wear shades.” I’m positively optimistic about the future—and so should you.

Before I explain why let me say that, like many of you, I’m not immune to the economic downturn. My speaking engagements are off for the year and I recently had a publisher renege on a signed book deal.

I remain optimistic, however, because I realize the future doesn’t just happen to us. It is not the economy; a lack of money; technology; President Obama or any host of other factors that ultimately determine our future. The future is created by—drum-roll, please—us!

We are not passive bystanders to the future. We are active participants and it is through our actions that the future is ultimately created.

If you’re looking for some perspective and a good laugh watch this hilarious 4-minute video clip of the comedian Louis CK on the Conan O’Brien Show explaining why ”Everything is Amazing, and Nobody is Happy.” For a more inspirational video I recommend this 12-minute presentation by Ulei Gegenschatz. It is a tribute to the human spirit and a testament to the heights we can soar to (literally) when we have the capacity to dream and the courage to act.