Jack Uldrich
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You Can Embrace Ambiguity: True or False?

Posted in Ambiguity, New Cards, Paradox, Philosophy

Truefalse In philosophy and logic there is something know as the liar's paradox. Consider the following statement:

"This statement is false."

If "This statement is false" is true, then it is false, which in turn would mean that it is actually true, but this would mean it is false … and so on ad infinitum.

If "This statement is false" is false, then it is true, which in turn would mean it is actually false, but this would mean it is true … and so on ad infinitum.

Sometimes the truth is both true and false at the same time — just like the picture to the right. (Don't believe me? Try flipping it upside down.)

4 thoughts on “You Can Embrace Ambiguity: True or False?”

  1. CoCreatr says:

    Don’t read this sign.
    Many situations are not so binary, they are spectrum. Yet, language balks (and some hear a teacher’s whip crack) when we try to say in a given context choice A is righter than choice B.
    Embrace nonduality, be a knowmad.

  2. Jack Uldrich says:

    Love it … especially the “knowmad” part.

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