
Last week, I had the pleasure of keynoting the Large-scale Homeowners Association annual meeting in Washington, DC. After my presentation, in which I discussed how a number of technologies would become significantly cheaper in the future, a representative from Verizon discussed how his company was developing a new app which would soon automate a person’s home (and allow them to monitor and control their energy usage) for about $6 a month.

To put this in some perspective, it is worth noting that Bill Gates automated his home 10 years ago for a cost of roughly $1 million. Today, a home automation system costs $40,000. Soon, it will be less than $60 a year.

I have said it before and I’ll say it again the future is going to be cheap.

P.S. Tomorrow I am going to address the 100th annual meeting of the Marketing Executive Committee in Pinehurst, North Carolina. They are a group of energy and utility executives. Guess what I’m going to tell them? In addition to cheaper home automated systems, solar cells and fuel cell technology are also going to get cheaper. All of these changes are going to rock their world.

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