Think: It’s time to think about resolve, resilience, reimagination, and reform. This article from McKinsey is a wonderful way to jumpstart your thinking this week: Beyond Coronavirus: The Path to the Next Normal.

Think Deep: Curious about how to make the most of this opportunity for a reset? This article, The Fertile Void of the Corona-Uncertainty is a good place to start.

Think Harder: Eliminating the handshake, as Dr. Fauci suggests, may seem to make some sense but, as I argue in this piece, we may want to think harder about this supposedly simple, “common-sense” solution: Beware of Unintended Consequences: Of Handshakes and Wolves.

Think Like a Futurist: This is a partial repeat from last week, but the world is changing so fast that I keep adding to this article: A Futurist’s Thoughts on Our Post CoVid World. If you’d prefer, here is a 5-minute interview I did on TV earlier this week.

Heart-Centered Thinking: Of course we must bring the power of the human intellect to this crisis, but as David Brooks argues in this piece, The Moral Meaning of the Plague, we also have an extraordinary opportunity to engage the heart and soul.

If you want to go deeper into thinking about the post-Coronavirus world, I encourage you to review last week’s Friday Future 5.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!