
I speak frequently on the topic of emerging technologies as a futurist and a keynote speaker. One of the most common questions I receive after my talks is whether I view technology as a net positive or a net negative.

I don’t view it as either. Technology has been always been a “doubled-edged” sword. For example, nuclear power has the ability to produce inexpensive, clean and reliable energy. It also has a much darker, destructive side.

To better understand the double nature of technology, I recently came across this list of Hollywood’s top 50 heroes and villains. What is interesting is that the Terminator makes both lists: It is #48 on the Top Heroes and #22 on the list of Top Villains.

It is an apt metaphor for technology.

Interested in some of Jack Uldrich’s other insights on Hollywood and the future? Check out these old posts:

A Futurist Goes to the Movies