Dear Friends and Fellow Agriculture Enthusiasts,

I am thrilled to share with you the release of my latest book, “A Smarter Farm: How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize the Future of Agriculture.” In a departure from my usual practice, I am offering this book FREE for download for the next 30 days.

I’ve chosen to do this for several reasons. First, I deeply value the hard work of farmers and aim to assist them in harnessing artificial intelligence to enhance their yields and profits, as well as sustainably feed our growing global population. Second, the rapid evolution of AI means that this primer might soon need updating but I want to introduce the topic to as many farmers as possible. Lastly, as I approach the culmination of my career in futurism, financial gain from book sales is not my focus. (I do, however, continue to engage in keynote speaking–particularly on AI in agriculture. So, if you know of any organizations or companies seeking a speaker in this field, I hope you might keep me in mind.)

This book was designed and written for the busy farmer and is a concise 45-minute read. I hope it proves valuable to you.

Best Wishes and Happy Holidays!

Jack Uldrich

Click here to download your free copy now