The Few, The Proud, the Unusual

An army of ants is an awe-inspiring and efficient force of nature. While each ant is individually small, collectively they accomplish amazing things—provided they have a sufficient source of food. The same is true of today’s modern corporation—if it has a profitable source of revenue. Alas, when the food or the money dries up, both [...]

By |2016-09-12T10:13:55-05:00September 12, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Few, The Proud, the Unusual

Five Reasons to Go Global Now

Pizza Hut recently made a splash when it announced it had a drone deliver a pizza to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro. Clearly aimed at generating publicity, the stunt drives home a powerful point--global markets once considered unreachable are now within reach. In Pizza Hut’s case, the company is serious about growing its presence in [...]

By |2016-09-12T09:14:27-05:00September 12, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Five Reasons to Go Global Now

Long Road to Self-Driven Cars May Be Short

The Financial Times recently released an informative and well-balanced 12-minute video discussing the long road to self-driving cars. (The full video is posted below). Early in the video, the host declares “it is no longer a question of if but when” self-driven cars will become a reality. I agree wholeheartedly with the assessment but I [...]

By |2016-05-13T12:38:37-05:00May 13, 2016|Future|Comments Off on Long Road to Self-Driven Cars May Be Short

The Big AHA: Three Unconventional Ways to Future-Proof Your Business Today

  Every business leader feels it and knows it--the world is changing at an accelerating pace. Business models are shifting, consumer behaviors and preferences are evolving swiftly, and emerging technologies and platforms are transforming the competitive landscape. In such an environment, it is difficult to look ahead to the next quarter, let alone the next [...]

By |2016-03-17T12:44:51-05:00March 17, 2016|Humility|Comments Off on The Big AHA: Three Unconventional Ways to Future-Proof Your Business Today

Futurist Jack Uldrich’s Predictions for 2016

(Editor’s note: These predictions are offered in the spirit of light-hearted fun and are not intended to be taken literally. Each merely reflects a broader trend that readers can expect to see, experience or read about in the coming year. For a more realistic perspective on each trend, click on the embedded links. Enjoy!) Christian [...]

By |2015-12-08T11:41:18-06:00December 8, 2015|Future|Comments Off on Futurist Jack Uldrich’s Predictions for 2016

A Futurist’s Top 5 Books of 2015

Over the past year, my work as a professional futurist has continued to evolve. I now speak more often about the need for intellectual humility; spend extra time helping clients reframe old questions, as well as asking new ones; and devote additional time to the vital tasks of reading, thinking and reflecting. The reason I [...]

By |2015-12-04T09:55:10-06:00December 4, 2015|Future|Comments Off on A Futurist’s Top 5 Books of 2015

Here Comes the Future: 10 Game-Changers That Will Transform the World in 2016

  “The future is here. It just isn’t evenly distributed.” In 1983, the science-fiction author, William Gibson penned those prophetic words. They remain apropos for 2016 because ten existing technologies (listed below) are poised to change the game in virtually every business sector in the coming year. Blockchain: Double-entry bookkeeping and limited liability partnerships don’t [...]

By |2015-12-02T10:42:28-06:00December 2, 2015|Future|Comments Off on Here Comes the Future: 10 Game-Changers That Will Transform the World in 2016

The Future is Here: Dead People to Conduct “Live” Performances

Holograms are about to turn dead celebrities into pitchmen--and "live" performers. Can we just agree that the idea of dead people conducting "live" performances is yet another example of how the future can sometimes catch us by surprise. Related Posts Salt, Pearls and Aluminum: An Unusal Guide to Understanding the Future Kiss the Future Is the Future [...]

By |2015-09-23T09:50:04-05:00September 23, 2015|Future|Comments Off on The Future is Here: Dead People to Conduct “Live” Performances
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