Unlearning Fishing Regulations

According to a recent Science report all of the world's fisheries could collapse by 2048. Without wanting to sound alarmist, this isn't good. Obviously, if the report is true ,it'll be important to implement strategies that protect and maintain the world's fish supplies. According to this insightful article entitled "Chaos and the Catch of the [...]

By |2009-03-25T11:05:13-05:00March 25, 2009|Agriculture|Comments Off on Unlearning Fishing Regulations

Unlearning Foie Gras

I don't eat foie gras, but this 20-minute presentation by Dan Barber is a case-study in how any number of industries -- but especially those in agriculture -- would do well to unlearn their current production methods and instead study Mother Nature:

By |2008-12-01T13:46:51-06:00December 1, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on Unlearning Foie Gras

Unlearning Expensive Technology

Late last week, it was announced that NASA had, pardon the pun, pissed away $154 million by creating a urinal/water fountain system that didn’t work. To witness how a more simple technology can have huge implications down here on this planet, watch this amazing video (Note: it is a little graphic, but it helps to [...]

By |2008-11-25T08:56:08-06:00November 25, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on Unlearning Expensive Technology

Unlearning the Written Word

What if I told you that you could improve your reading comprehension rate by 20 percent. Would you do it? Since you are reading this blog, my guess is that the answer would be "yes." Well, you can, but it will require that you unlearn how you currently access the written word. I recently wrote [...]

By |2008-06-19T11:05:22-05:00June 19, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on Unlearning the Written Word

Get Prepared to Unlearn at Warp Speed

IBM recently announced that it has developed a new supercomputer capable of performing 1,000 trillion calculations per second. It is a little hard to wrap your brain around such mind-boggling numbers, but last year I wrote an article discussing an IBM supercomputer that was capable of performing 70 trillion calculations per second. In the piece, [...]

By |2008-06-10T03:40:09-05:00June 10, 2008|Agriculture, Energy|Comments Off on Get Prepared to Unlearn at Warp Speed

Agriculture Industry Gets Tagged for RFID Implementation

The government of New Zealand is reportedly planning on tagging all cattle with RFID chips by 2011. The development is a harbinger of things to come for the U.S. agricultural industry. In addition to letting farmers and ranchers track individual cattle by the age, sex and breed, the chips will also allow agri-business to monitor [...]

By |2008-06-06T06:54:00-05:00June 6, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on Agriculture Industry Gets Tagged for RFID Implementation

Is the Future Really Drying Up?

A few months back, the New York Times Magazine ran an article entitled, ”The Future is Drying Up” documenting the growing crisis over water in the western part of America. For the most part, it was a thoughtful and sobering look at a situation that desparately cries out for action. It is hard to argue [...]

By |2008-05-04T08:39:00-05:00May 4, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on Is the Future Really Drying Up?

The Future of Food is Tiny

The famous artist Leonardo da Vinci once offered the following pearl of wisdom: “Study the art of science and the science of art.” It is advice that food scientists have taken to heart in spades. However, as a result of advances in the new emerging field of nanotechnology—which is briefly defined as manipulating atoms at [...]

By |2008-04-24T05:33:00-05:00April 24, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on The Future of Food is Tiny

Test Tube Meat’s Mixed Future

Test tube meat. To many people, the idea is utterly repulsive and it conjures up bad memories of eating the processed slabs of “mystery meat” they were served in their school cafeteria many years ago. To others, the idea is nothing less than the most environmentally-friendly, politically correct answer to the world’s growing food shortage [...]

By |2008-04-23T09:01:00-05:00April 23, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on Test Tube Meat’s Mixed Future

Agriculture’s High-Tech Future

I know, I know ... agriculture is already a high-tech industry. I don’t necessarily disagree with the sentiment, but the industry is going to witness even more technoligical innovation in the near future and if farmers want to remain in business they need to stay abreast of major developments in a number of different fields. [...]

By |2008-04-10T13:50:00-05:00April 10, 2008|Agriculture|Comments Off on Agriculture’s High-Tech Future
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