Cool It With the New Questions

One of my preferred unlearning strategies is to ask a new question. To this end, I recently came across this interesting interview with Nathan Myhrvold. When the topic came to global climate change, he posed this interesting question: Can we cool earth off? He went on to add:  The answer to that, surprisingly, is yes. And [...]

By |2011-03-23T15:13:18-05:00March 23, 2011|Energy, Questions|Comments Off on Cool It With the New Questions

What Questions Aren’t You Asking?

One of the best ways to begin unlearning is to ask a new question. Is this spirit, what better question to ask than this: What questions aren't you asking? If you need a little jump start in this exercise, here are a few questions that might get your unlearning juices flowing: 1. What don't I [...]

By |2011-02-09T12:49:32-06:00February 9, 2011|Questions|Comments Off on What Questions Aren’t You Asking?

Question Your Intelligence

I have just started reading Ken Robinson's excellent book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything. In it, Robinson discusses the many deficiencies of so-called intelligence tests such as the IQ test and the SAT. Primary among these standardized tests' shortcomings is the fact that they only test for a very narrow range of [...]

By |2011-02-07T07:15:43-06:00February 7, 2011|Creativity, Questions|Comments Off on Question Your Intelligence

To Unlearn: Ask This Question

One of my preferred methods of unlearning is to ask a new question. I also believe that changing one's self is more important than trying to change the opinions of others. Nevertheless, I understand the appeal of trying to change people's minds. I confess I still spend too much time trying to do it ... [...]

By |2011-02-06T14:27:06-06:00February 6, 2011|Questions|Comments Off on To Unlearn: Ask This Question

Think Outside the Box: Unlearn

Take the above quiz. If you can't figure it out, here's a hint: Think outside the box -- literally. (P.S. If you still can't figure it out, feel free to email me at and I will send you the answer.)

By |2010-08-28T07:18:06-05:00August 28, 2010|Creativity, Questions|Comments Off on Think Outside the Box: Unlearn

If It Goes Without Saying … Question it.

It is a curious phrase: It goes without saying.If it really "goes without saying," should you need to say "it goes without saying"?On a deeper level, though, I do believe it is worth exploring those things which truly "go without saying" in our relationships, in our workplace, and in our life. For example:It may go [...]

By |2010-07-29T03:45:23-05:00July 29, 2010|Listening, Love, Questions, Wisdom|Comments Off on If It Goes Without Saying … Question it.

Playing it Safe is Risky

Did you know that more pedestrians die in crosswalks than when jaywalking. The reason is because people have a false sense of security in crosswalks and are less likely to look both ways.This is a wonderful metaphor for how you should think about the future. I know most people believe there is safety in doing [...]

By |2010-06-01T09:58:44-05:00June 1, 2010|Future, Questions|Comments Off on Playing it Safe is Risky

“To” Plus “For” = Success

To unlearn it helps to ask new questions. It is also useful to understand that, often, the opposite can also true. In this spirit, I'd like to encourage you to ask new questions using the words "to" and "for." For example, in the mid-1990's it would have been helpful for a number of companies to [...]

By |2010-05-14T08:18:28-05:00May 14, 2010|Questions|Comments Off on “To” Plus “For” = Success

Questions We Have Not Yet Thought To Ask

Some people never set sail because they are convinced they have already arrived. This is true in both the big and the small things in our lives. I was reminded of this fact after reading this fascinating article in the New York Times magazine, The Data Driven Life. The story is chalkful of examples of [...]

By |2010-05-06T06:08:04-05:00May 6, 2010|Questions|Comments Off on Questions We Have Not Yet Thought To Ask
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