Take One Robot and Call Me in the Morning

Children's Hospital in Boston is now experimenting with robots and allowing some patients to take the devices home with them to help with post-operative care and consultation. (It's a wonderful example of my I listed robotics as Trend #2 in my annual list of Top Ten Trends in Healthcare for 2012.) For a better understanding [...]

By |2012-01-04T15:58:12-06:00January 4, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Take One Robot and Call Me in the Morning

Unlearning Lesson #17

Do the Math Until It Doesn't Add Up “Let me see: four times five is twelve, and four times six is thirteen, and four times seven is – oh dear! I shall never get to twenty at that rate.” --Lewis Carroll in Alice in Wonderland  Question #17: Which is greater: 1 or 2? What about 100 [...]

By |2012-01-04T06:00:08-06:00January 4, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Unlearning Lesson #17

Bet Against Yourself

Unlearning Lesson #16 “Don’t wanna learn from nobody what I gotta unlearn.” --Bob Dylan Question #16: Which of the following characteristics has a higher correlation to the success of a Hollywood movie: the involvement of a famous movie star or the location(s) where the movie is shot? The answer, to the surprise and chagrin of many [...]

By |2011-12-29T06:00:58-06:00December 29, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bet Against Yourself

Cast a Narrow Net

Unlearning Lesson #16 "It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts." – John Wooden Question #15: (This is a two-part question and you will need a pencil, a single piece of paper and a timer.) Part 1) In 20 seconds, list all of the white things you can think of. (Read no [...]

By |2011-12-27T06:00:33-06:00December 27, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Cast a Narrow Net

Stop Pooping in the Sky

Dear Readers: This Christmas instead of giving my kids more stuff, I decided to give them the gift of an idea. The idea is pretty simple: We can all make the world a little better place. Please watch this 3 minute video and then perform the four easy actions. They will take less than 10 [...]

By |2011-12-20T12:49:25-06:00December 20, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Stop Pooping in the Sky

In the Market for a New Idea?

"Necessity is the mother of invention" or so it is said. I believe "necessity is the mother of innovation" and if U.S. and Western European companies wish to remain competitive in the future they'll need to look to China, India, Brazil and Africa not just for new markets but for new ideas! In the food [...]

By |2011-12-16T15:25:48-06:00December 16, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on In the Market for a New Idea?

Unlearning Lesson #14

Unlearning Lesson #14: The Grass Isn't Greener on the Other Side “He who hesitates because he feels inferior is being surpassed by those who are busy making mistakes and becoming superior.” –Henry Link Question #14: Are there more words that begin with the letter “K” or which have “K” as their third letter? With words [...]

By |2011-12-16T06:00:25-06:00December 16, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Unlearning Lesson #14

Time to Unlearn

On a standard Roman Numeral watch, what letters do the Number 3 look like? What about the Number 4? Did you say the Number 3 looks like three capital I's (III) and the Number 4 looks like a capital I and a capital V (IV)? It is quite common to believe the face of Roman [...]

By |2011-12-14T06:00:48-06:00December 14, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Time to Unlearn
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