Unlearning Stabilization

John Seely Brown, John Hagel and Lang Davidson recently wrote an article entitled ”The New Reality: Constant Disruption.” The basic premise isn’t new to anyone who has read my book Jump the Curve or The Singularity is Near, and that is that society is now headed into a new era whereby change is a constant [...]

By |2009-04-01T08:57:20-05:00April 1, 2009|Energy, Future, Utility|Comments Off on Unlearning Stabilization

Unlearning Bubbles

The Internet, the real estate market, fuel cell technology, nanotechnology and, now, "clean tech" have all experienced an investing "bubble." In retrospect, it is easy to point to signs that the market was inflating to dangerous levels. It is even easier to suggest that such bubbles are a bad thing -- precisely because so many [...]

By |2008-10-30T09:38:29-05:00October 30, 2008|Utility|Comments Off on Unlearning Bubbles

A Watched Kettle Never Boils — or Does It?

EcoGeek has an interesting article explaining how advances in nanotechnology can lead to the creation of a kettle that boils faster. The advance is significant not just because it could help consumers and businesses save money and time by bringing water to a boil faster, but because it suggests that a variety of other products—such [...]

By |2008-07-12T06:42:16-05:00July 12, 2008|Energy, Utility|Comments Off on A Watched Kettle Never Boils — or Does It?

The Iceberg Principle

It is common knowledge that only about 20 percent of an iceberg floats above the waterline. Yet, if you are a ship captain, you need to concern yourself with the remaining 80 percent. If you don't, you could end up sharing a fate similar to that of Edward John Smith, the captain of the Titanic. [...]

By |2008-06-02T11:40:21-05:00June 2, 2008|Energy, Utility|Comments Off on The Iceberg Principle

The Future is Cheap

With oil over a $100 a barrel and some analysts predicting it’ll go as high as $300, it is easy to think that the future will be more expensive than today. I, however, have a decidedly different take on the future, I believe it is going to be cheap—very cheap. For example, today’s Wall Street [...]

By |2008-03-26T12:19:01-05:00March 26, 2008|Future, Utility|Comments Off on The Future is Cheap
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