Think: Want to think better? Learn How Renaissance People Think.

Think Twice: Want to think even better? Discover Why the Future Belongs to Polymaths.

Think Historically: In the middle of the 19th century, whale oil gave way to petroleum. In the 21st century, oil and gas will give way to renewable energy. Historic Breakthrough: Norway’s Giant Oil Fund Dives into Renewables.

Think Different: Want to think differently about the future? Consider these 7 Non-Obvious Trends Shaping the Future.

Think Smarter: Want to understand how foresight can help you think smarter? Read this article: The Importance of Foresight–Why Intuition and Imagination Will Be Critical In The Future of Work.

Think Harder: Don’t outsource your thinking to others! Learn how to read–and think–better. How to Read 80 Books a Year (and Actually Remember Them)

Think Like a Child: To think like a child, it helps to have the power of curiosity.

Think in Questions: How might synthetic biology transform your industry? It is a good question to ask -now. This article can help: The Promise and Perils of Synthetic Biology.

Think 10X: Lithium-ion batteries are getting cheaper. As they become more affordable, the trend could grow 10X and, in the process, transform a number of industries. A Behind the Scenes Take On Lithium-ion Battery Prices.

Think Visually: How the Big Five Tech Companies Make Their Money, Visualized.

Think Faster: Want to get a jump on your competitors? Start thinking about quantum computers today. In the Future, Everyone Might Use Quantum Computers

Think Radically: Patagonia is saying “no” to some of its best-paying customers. This radical act could position the company well for long-term prosperity. Could “Thinking Radically” also help you?

Think Anew: McDonald’s is using AI and big data to think anew about its business. Is it time for you to explore how these technologies could transform your business? McDonald’s Acquires Machine-Learning Startup Dynamic Yield for $300 Million.

Think Sustainably: It’s time for the meat industry to think about sustainability. Why? Because its competitors in the plant-based “meat” industry are: Comparing the Impossible Burger to Beef.

Think the Unthinkable: Can Human Mortality Be Hacked? This is an uncomfortable topic for many people, but leaders must be prepared to think about unthinkable things.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week, remember: Don’t stop thinking about the future!