Think: Gartner’s Top Ten Tech Trends for 2019. There is plenty to think about with this list. 

Think Twice: The Third Phase of Clean Energy Will Be the Most Disruptive Yet. The fossil fuel industry needs to think twice–it’s on thin ice.

Think Historically: Technology Deep in Time: How Technology Evolves Alongside Us. The future–and its many parts and components–are here; they just haven’t yet been assembled.

Think Different: Extending Human Longevity With Regenerative Medicine. The future of health care may well be determined by those who are thinking differently about how to treat age-related illnesses and diseases.

Think Smarter: The Case Against Too Much Efficiency. Call it “Strategic inefficiency,” the “wisdom of wandering” or whatever you want, but smart business leaders create space for creativity.

Think Harder: A one-to-one digital map of the world is being created now (Mapping the World in 3D). The time to begin thinking harder about what this means for you, your customers and your business is now!

Think Like a Child: Don’t wait until you are old to begin thinking about the biggest wastes of your time. Think about them now. (Hint: The top four are: 1) Not asking for help; 2) Trying to make bad relationships work; 3) Dwelling on your mistakes and shortcomings; and 4) Worrying about what other people think about you.)

Think in Questions: Practical Wisdom The Master Virtue:  How do you learn “to do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reason?” It is a difficult question to answer, but it begins by asking better questions.

Think 10X: At a cost of $5000 this AI-powered robot may soon be finding its way into people’s homes. If this occurs, a 10X increase in robots is well within the realm of possibility.

Think Bigger: 10 Cities Are Predicted to Gain Megacity Status by 2030. Have you heard of Hyderabad? Chengdu? Luanda? If not, its time to think bigger about the growing world of global possibilities.

Think Faster: New CRISPR Method Can Edit Over 13,000 Spots in a Single Cell. The ability to “radically redesign life” is approaching faster than expected. Is it time for society to “think slower” about our ability to rapidly alter human life?

Think Radically: The Private Space Industry is Breaking Out. As space is privatized, a wide variety of opportunities will emerge. The future of many things that impact your business–satellites/GPS, telecommunication speeds, data, etc.–will be affected. Your future could be radically different than you expect. To prosper, you may need to think radically about how you can leverage this “space junk.”

Think Again: Get Ready for a New Era of Personalized Entertainment. Think Netflix and Amazon’s ability to curate a list of new shows for you to watch is impressive? Think again because the era of “personalization” is just heating up. (This recent Wall Street Journal article provides additional evidence: We Now Live in a World of Personalized Shampoo.)

Think Sustainably: Something cool may be “in the air” (like clean air!) Canadian Company to Build Plant That Will Remove CO2 from the Atmosphere.

Think the Unthinkable: Think uploading your thoughts to a computer is the stuff of science fiction? The time to begin thinking about once unthinkable things may be fast approaching.  Team Linked to Elon Musk Edges Closer to Brain Computers.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week, remember: Don’t stop thinking about the future!