Think: The Man Who’s Going to Save Your Neighborhood Grocery Store. A long but insightful article. Any business leader who is concerned about Amazon should read it–and act upon it.

Think Twice: A Hacker Stole the Personal Data of 100 Million Capital One Customers. This could happen to your business! Are you thinking about cybersecurity? If not, think twice, you could be on very thin ice. 

Think Historically: The world’s greatest leaders all share one trait: humility. Find out here How Humility Can Help Make You the Greatest Person Ever.

Think Different: These 3 Cognitive Biases Can Kill Innovation. Want to innovate? (Who doesn’t?) You may first need to unlearn some bad habits.

Think Smarter: What CIOs Need to Know About 5G. It’s time to get up to speed on 5G. This report can help. 

Think Harder: 5 Blockchain Breakthroughs Coming in the Next 5 Years. Blockchain is coming. You really need to begin thinking harder about this technology.

Think Like a Child: Google’s New Pixel 4 Phone Will Be First to Use its Soli Gesture Tech. The next generation of kids won’t be texting, they’ll be gesturing!

Think in Questions: Here’s a great question nobody ever asks, but should: How’d You Do in Creativity Class Today?

Think 10X: Now Calling Ball and Strikes: Robot Umpires. No reason this trend can’t–and won’t–grow 10X.

Think Bigger: First CRISPR Study Inside the Body to Start in the US. Gene editing could get big, really fast.

Think Faster: Climate Change Could Make Insurance Unaffordable for Most People. This future could arrive faster than expected. To survive, you’ll need to think faster.

Think Radically: Facebook is Funding Brain Experiments to Create a Device That Reads Your Mind. Radical, yes; wise? I’m not so sure.

Think Anew: Why Equitable Maps Are More Accurate and Humane. Maps can be very different and more useful … if you think anew.

Think Sustainably: The Bizarre, Peaty Science of Arctic Wildfires. Climate change will only exacerbate this already horrible situation. All the more reason for you and I to think–and act–more sustainably.

Think the Unthinkable: Beyond Meat is Developing a Plant-Based Substitute for Bacon. Farmers, ranchers, executives in the meat industry all need to be entertaining some “unthinkable” scenarios if they want to be adequately prepared for the future.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!