Think: “Action provides the fuel for deeper reflection and reflection provides the fuel for action with higher impact.” This is just one of the many gems from this insightful article by the ever thoughtful John Hagel: The Foundations of Exponential Impact.

Think Twice: Society needs to think twice because it may, literally, be on thin ice! Antarctica Logs Hottest Temperature on Record!

Think in Questions: Here’s a powerful question: How can you keep growing? This article can help: How to Develop a Growth Mindset and Accelerate Your Career.

Think 10X: Want to know a trend that could grow 10X in the next decade? Look no further than this article: German Drone Delivery Trial Paves the Way to Replacing Trucks.

Think Bigger: Apple is thinking bigger about the future of wearable technology. It is time you do the same? Apple Now Sells More Watches Than the Entire Swiss Watch Industry.

Think Faster: Technology is changing business models at an accelerating pace. To survive, you’ll need to think faster: 7 Business Models of the Next Decade.

Think Historically: Principle #3 is “look back to see forward.” This article is a good reminder of how history can provide a helpful lens through which to think about the future: Five Principles for Thinking Like a Futurist.

Think Different: One oil and gas company is thinking different about its future: BP has Announced a “Net Zero: Emissions Plan”

Think Smarter: We are not passive actors in the creation of the future. We have an active role to play, but we must think smarter: 2020 Will Bring a New Renaissance: Humanity Over Technology.

Think Harder: If you are going to chart your way to a new and better future, you will need to think harder. This article can show you: How to Better Navigate the Future

Think Like an Optimist: Need a reminder of the benefits of optimistic thinking? Look no further than this article: A Ray of Life Passed and I Caught It Before the Sun Went Down.

Think Radically: Looking for something to help you think about a radically different future? Look no further than this lengthy article: Yuval Noah Harari Gives the Really Big Picture.

Think Anew: An education is not something you “receive,” it is something you discover anew every day! Elon Musk Wants Talent, Not Diplomas. 

Think Sustainably: If we are to think sustainably, we may need to think about sustainability in a different way: The Strange Necessity of Infinite Economic Growth.

Think the Unthinkable: We are not changing eras, we are entering an era of change. You need to think harder about the near future: Why This is the Era of Crossroads for Technology.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!