Think: Navigating from the Industrial Age to the Contextual Age. If you want to increase your company’s or organization’s impact on the future, read this article!

Think Twice: Reinventing Organizational Learning–Towards Transformative Learning. In the near future, the emphasis of education will shift from information to imagination. If you aren’t ready, please think twice … you could be on thin ice.

Think Historically: History reminds us that strange ideas have a curious way of moving from the fringe to the mainstream. Here’s one that may catch on sooner-rather-later: More Scientists Now Think Geoengineering May Be Essential.

Think Different: As Bob Dylan once sang, “The times they are a changin’.” Oil Giant Chevron Offering Electric Car Charging at Stations. A good example of thinking different. (Better late than never!)

Think Smarter: Retail Giant Target Unmasks Its Blockchain Framework Aimed at Supply Chain. The initiative is open-source so even small and mid-sized suppliers can benefit.

Think Harder: Forget drones, Amazon’s real robot innovation is the warehouse. The age of robots has arrived. If you are in the supply chain business and haven’t begun thinking about implementing robots, it is time to think harder–much harder–about your future.

Think Like a Futurist: The Futurist’s Dilemma. This is the dilemma: Any believable prediction will be wrong. Any correct prediction will be unbelievable. Either way, a futurist can’t win. He/she is either dismissed or wrong. Think about this the next time you hear an “unbelievable” prediction.

Think in Questions: Personal Questions Can Illuminate a Path to a Better Future. Don’t ask “big” questions, try getting “personal” if you want to get a beat on the future.

Think 10X: Uber Announces Plans to Deliver Big Macs by Drone This Summer. This plan may be neither wise or desirable, but it can grow 10X and business leaders in the food industry should plan accordingly.

Think Bigger: Canada Plans to Ban ‘Harmful’ Plastics by 2021. This trend could get much bigger. If you manufacture plastic or use plastic in your packaging, spend some time thinking about what this trend could mean for your business.

Think Wisely: The Only Real Way to Acquire Wisdom. Wisdom can be acquired, but you have to work on it. This article provides a helpful starting point.

Think Radically: New Zealand Wants to Make People Happy, Not Rich. Governments moving away from a relentless focus on GDP (as the only indicator of economic growth) is a trend worth watching.

Think Anew: Walmart will stock your fridge while you’re not home. Will customers warm to this idea? I don’t know, but Walmart is thinking anew.

Think Sustainably: Lego Struggles to Find Plant-Based Plastic That Clicks. Lego’s heart is in the right place. I like this quote from the article: “We can’t say we inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow if we’re ruining the planet.”

Think the Unthinkable: Industrial Methane Emissions are 100x Higher Than Reported. If this is true, the natural gas industry and the agriculture industry could be heavily regulated sooner than they expect.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!