Editor’s Note: In the midst of this crisis, I realize everyone is being inundated with information. Therefore, for the foreseeable future, I am going to curate my regular list of 15 articles down to 5 in an attempt to bring you only the most helpful and insightful articles. If you are currently social isolated, I encourage you to use this time to reflect deeply on what will be coming out on the other side of this crisis. 

Think: If you are presently hunkered down and are waiting/hoping for things to return to “normal,” you need to disabuse yourself of that idea NOW! The world is not going to return to “business as usual.” As a leader, you need to immediately begin preparing yourself for what’s on the other side of CoVid-19. This article will jumpstart the process: We’re Not Going Back to Normal.

Think Like a Futurist: Two of my favorite futurists, Ross Dawson and Gerd Leonard, have already thought long and hard about what might on the other side of this crisis. Ross outlines 9 implications for commerce and society in this article, while Gerd engages in “back-casting” to outline three possible future scenarios. Both articles are seriously worthy of some of your think time.

Think Historically: The world has experienced pandemics in the past, and we can learn from those tragedies. John Perkins shares what the Black Plague and the HIV/AIDs epidemics might teach us about our present situation in this provocative article

Think Deep: This article, The Changing World Order, by Ray Dalio will take you longer than 15 minutes to read, but I strongly encourage you to devote some of your “social isolation” time to read–and reflect–on his words and wisdom.

Heart-Centered Thinking: In these troubled times it is important to understand that much good can also come out of pain and suffering. These two articles touched my heart this week and I think they may also touch yours: The Wisdom of Loneliness and Are We Ready for a New Culture of Empathy?

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!