Think: Human Contact is Now a Luxury Good. “The luxurification of human engagement” is upon us. The wisdom of offering/selling human contact as a luxury good is something business leaders might want to begin contemplating–now.

Think Twice: Preparing for Tomorrow Workforce In a World Run by MachinesIf you have been relying upon KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators), you may soon be using KHI’s (Key Human Indicators). Please Think Twiceyou could be on Thin Ice! 

Think Historically: New York City is Finally Getting Its Own Self-Driving Shuttle Service. In 1903, horses were the dominant mode of transportation in NYC. Ten years, in 1913, automobiles controlled the scene. Are we poised to witness a similar transformation within the next 10 years?

Think Different: Everyone’s a Futurist Now. If you aren’t a futurist (although I would argue that you are since you are reading this newsletter), you will soon need to be because of the rapidly changing world around us.

Think Smarter: Key Take-a-ways From The Economist Innovation Summit. Didn’t have time to travel to Chicago for this summit? No worries. Thinker smarter by reading this short summary.

Think Harder: It is easy to think the world is going to “hell in a handbasket.” If you can think harder about the future, you may come to some new insights that will give you and your business reason to be optimistic about the future.

Think Like a Child: Stressed at Work: Mentoring a Colleague Could Help. You might also want to consider getting a “reverse mentor“.

Think in Questions: What is the next stage of human evolution? Does society need to rethink its definition of progress? This article might help you identify some better–or more beautiful–questions to ask of yourself and your business.

Think 10X: Gene-edited Foods are Safe, Japanese Panel Concludes. If more governments conclude the same thing, it is possible that gene-edited foods won’t be viewed in the same “basket” as GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and, thus, the public may be more accepting of such foods. In this occurs, the trend could grow 10X.

Think Bigger: In the coming decade, the amount of data collected will increase a 1000-fold (from zettabytes to yottabytes!). All of this data won’t be stored in the “cloud”. It will be stored in the ocean

Think Faster: A supercomputer capable of one quintillion calculations per second will be here by 2021. This is going to expedite the future of material science, chemistry, and drug discovery. To survive, you must think faster … because the future is going to arrive faster.

Think Radically: Gradually, Nervously, Courts Are Granting Rights to Animals. The idea of animals gaining new legal rights is not as radical as it may sound.

Think Anew: The Meandering Path to That Aha! Moment. Thinking about something different can often help you come to a powerful insight. The trick, therefore, is to sometimes not think about what you should be thinking about.

Think Sustainably: If animals can have rights (See above “Think Radically”), why can’t nature also have rights? This is a trend worth watching. It could change the world, literally.

Think the Unthinkable: If you are in higher education, think about this: Harvard Professor Says Half of All Colleges Won’t Exist in 10 Years.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week, remember: Don’t stop thinking about the future!