Think: Why Large Corporations Struggle with Innovation. Are you “optimizing” your existing business processes or innovating? There is a big difference.
Think Twice: There is now only one Blockbuster left on the planet. (Always think twice! Why? The answer is embedded within: Think Twice—you are on Thin Ice!)
Think Different: Start Creating the Future with a TIARA Award. Frequently, it is easier to “act our way into a new way of thinking than think our way into a new way of acting.” A TIARA award–for Taking Incremental Action Right Away–could help you and your company move into future.
Think Smarter: The Case for Long News. In a world awash in tweets, Facebook posts, and “headline news” are you really feeding yourself the type of information that will matter to your future wellbeing?
Think Harder: Waymo to Sell Lidar Technology to the Robotics, Security, and Agriculture Industries. Don’t know what LIDAR is? It might be time to find out.
Think Like a Child: How listening to music significantly impairs your creativity. We were not born with headphones. If you want to think you need some silence.
Think in Questions: The Future of Smart Cities. Over 1000 “smart city” pilot projects are currently in the works. One of those is probably in your city. It is time to ask yourself how your customers and business may be impact by this trend.
Think 10X: Will tech make insurance obsolete? If these four trends grow 10X it could spell troubles for the insurance industry.
Think Bigger: The Biggest 5G Breakthrough? If this tiny plastic antenna works 5G could arrive sooner than many people expect.
Think Faster: The Moore’s Law for Self-Driving Vehicles. “Miles per disengagement” (i.e. how frequently a human must intercede on behalf of a self-driving vehicle) is doubling every 16 months. If this trend continues fully autonomous vehicles could be here by 2035. (If technology improves even faster — which is a real possibility — they could arrive even sooner.)
Think Radically: Markets are Eating the World. This is a long but important article. Blockchain can change a lot of things. As a leader, you need to spend some time thinking about how your business model might radically change.
Think Anew: Educating for Uncertainty. The past is not always prelude. Uncertainty is a “feature” of the future and, as a leader, you must begin educating yourself and your team on how to deal with it.
Think Sustainably: Four huge cities are banning diesel automobiles.
Think the Unthinkable: Are We on the Road to Civilization Collapse? This might sound like a depressing thought (and it is), but great leaders think about unthinkable things for the purpose of preventing them from happening. Also, I would argue that a little humility is in order. As the visual below reminds us, great civilizations have collapsed in the past.
Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.
Until next week, remember: Don’t stop thinking about the future!