Think: A Bold and Beautiful Future is Moving from the Fringe into the Mainstream. Five fringe trends are converging at this unique time in history. The time to think about these trends is now.

Think Twice: Business as Usual is No Longer an Option. Think Twiceyou could be on Thin Ice!

Think Historically: The Want/Need Problem: How to Act Amidst Uncertainty. Ancient wisdom from the Bhagavath Gita offers timely advice for today’s busy business leaders.

Think Different: 5 Lessons from Viktor’s Frankl’s Book “Man’s Search for Meaning.” What can you learn from a Holocaust survivor? A lot!

Think Smarter: Why Is It So Hard to Predict the Future? If you want to think smart about the future, read this article! If you don’t, please then at least take this advice: Stop listening to “experts”!

Think Harder: Are you in the agriculture or food industry? It’s time to think harder about plant-based protein: The Meatless Burger Revolution is Just Getting Started.

Think Like a Child: What could be better than thinking like a child? How about thinking about those children not yet born. Meet the World’s First “Minister for the Unborn.

Think in Questions: 5G is Here. What Does That Mean for Exponential Tech? It’s a good question. 5G will enable a lot of new things, including self-driving cars, “smart cities,” augmented and virtual reality, and remote surgery.

Think 10X: FCC Clears SpaceX to Launch Nearly 1,600 Internet-beaming Satellites. As this trend grows 10X, the entire globe –and it’s 7.5 billion inhabitants–will soon have access to the Internet. The savvy business leader will be thinking about these emerging global opportunities today.

Think Bigger: Gartner Says 100 Million Consumers Will Shop in Augmented Reality by 2020. This trend is getting bigger, fast!

Think Visually: Using Data to See the Future Faster. Data suggests huge opportunities await businesses that can provide affordable solutions in higher education, healthcare, and childcare.

Think Radically: How a River Became a Legal Person. Does granting a river legal personhood sound radical? Perhaps, but is it really any more radical than granting a corporation “legal personhood” as the U.S. Legal system does? Is Bayer/Monsanto worth more than, say, the Mississippi River?

Think Anew: Raising Digital Consciousness Among Digital Leaders. Fellow futurist Rudy de Waele is definitely thinking anew. He explains why businesses must do the same.

Think Sustainably: Business in the 2020’s: Raise Your Ecosight. A wonderful, wonderful article. Definitely worth taking 15 minutes to think about.

Think the Unthinkable: Baltimore City Government Hit by Ransome Attack. Think your company isn’t a target? Think again. It’s time for you to think about the unthinkable.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget to take action. Remember: “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!