Editor’s Note: This week’s Friday Future 15 is shorter than usual and is focused on bigger, broader themes because we all need to be shaken out of our traditional ways of thinking–myself included. Enjoy

Think: This Time, It’s Personal. What might replace the consumer culture? This article explains how digital technology alienates people from their souls and offers a glimpse into a different future.

Think Different: Welcome to the Dream Society. What will be the “campfire of the future”? The thing/place around which humans gather?

Think Smarter: Against the Clock: How Technology Has Changed Our Experience of Time. Please take some time to think about time–it is guaranteed to help you think smarter about how you can use your limited time on this planet.

Think in Questions: Could you create a business or institution that last 10,000 years? It’s an interesting question and one worth thinking about because it could provide insights on how to help you survive today.

Think about the Unthinkable: This journey to the end of time is sure to help think about some unthinkable things.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week, remember: It is easier to act your way into a new of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!