Think: Will the future of construction use more robots, 3D printers, new materials, and open design plans? If you are in the construction business, it is something to think about. Swiss House is Poised to Revolutionize the Construction Industry.

Think Different: Five Ways Buildings of the Future Will Use Biotech to Become Like Living Things. Perhaps, the buildings of the future will be radically different than even the “Swiss House” in the post above.

Think Twice: Two stories from this past week suggest the fossil fuel industry needs to think twice: First Gas Station to Ditch Oil for Electric Vehicle Recharging Stations and Daimler to Abandon Internal Combustion Engine Development to Focus on Electric Vehicles.

Think Historically: A Brief History of the Telephone Operator. Driverless trucks and cashier-less stores cause many people to worry about “technological displacement” in the workforce, but it is worth recalling that in 1940 there were over 350,000 telephone operators. Today, the job is non-existent.

Think Smarter: How Data Analytics Can Drive Innovation. Data analytics can spot hidden patterns that might help you and your organization spot new ways to recombine existing tools and technologies.

Think Harder: Being Stuck is Reasonable. If you want to get unstuck, sometimes you have to do unreasonable things.

Think Like a Child: “Digital natives” get this, do you? Mastering the Duality of Digital: How Digitized Incumbents Withstand Disruption.

Think in Questions: If you are in higher education, think about this question: The Workforce is Calling, Higher Education Will You Answer?

Think 10X: Ultrasound Breakthrough Can Spot Cancer Earlier. If this trend grows 10X it could transform the treatment of cancer in some profound ways.

Think Smaller: How Tiny Satellites Are Changing the Way We Do Business.  Small satellites will have a big impact on everything from agriculture to shipping.

Think Faster: Google Says its AI Detects 26 Skin Conditions as Accurately as Dermatologists. AI is only going to get better. To survive, dermatologists will need to think differently–and faster.

Think Anew: Should We Be More Optimistic About Fighting Climate Change? In a word, yes!

Think Sustainably: This is a $15 Trillion Opportunity for Farmers to Fight Climate Change. Farmers, in spite of bad weather, low prices, and tariffs, might have reason to be optimistic about the future. 

Think the Unthinkable: Redefine Meat Raised $6 Million to Produce 3D Printed Meat Alternatives. Plant-based protein is already here, but the meat industry needs to think about potentially more disruptive threats.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!