Think Imaginatively: Think it’s impossible to “regreen” the entire Sinai Peninsula and turn a desert into a lush green ecosystem? Think again because as this article suggests it is possible. The innovators trying to turn this vision into a reality also make a compelling point: One of society’s main challenges is a lack of imagination–an inability to see a different future.

Think Harder: This is old news, but solar and wind power continue to improve. Whether you are in the energy business or whether your business uses a lot of energy, the time is ripe to begin thinking harder about renewable energy. These two articles are good places to start: Artificial Island Will Harvest Wind Energy at a Huge Scale and Double-Sided Solar Cell Sets New World Record of 26 Percent Efficiency.

Think in Questions: If you are in the banking or financial industries here is a question worth pondering: What is the Future of Money? If you’re in the plastics industry, this is a question worth noodling on: Can Plastic-Eating Mushrooms Solve Humanity’s Plastic Problem?

Think Boldly: Is it possible to grow a new grain that could feed the world without using fresh water or fertilizer? The answer is yes and soon we could be looking at the ocean as a “sea garden.”

Think Long-Term: We all need to do a better job thinking long-term. Here are 5 innovative projects that are helping cities think long-term–and they can help you as well.

Thought of the week: “You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.” –C.S. Lewis

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!”