Think:  If you are in the manufacturing industry now is the time to begin asking new questions centered around the advances in 3D printing. I have written about the extraordinary progress in 3D printed houses, but were you aware that GE Renewable Energy is now employing a 3-story high 3D printer to construct wind turbines? These turbines are more efficient, sustainable, and can be constructed closer to their final location — thus reducing transportation costs.

Think Historically: Can history teach us anything about the future of cities? The answer is yes as this fascinating article highlights: The Real Urban Jungle: How Ancient Societies Reimagined What Cities Could Be. Is it possible that future cities might also contain “forest gardens” and that agricultural plots will follow the most productive and fertile “veins” of soil instead of being relegated to rural areas?

Think Big: The United States is not standing still in the race to develop renewable energy as this story suggests: Bureau of Land Management Green-lights 30GW of solar plants on federal lands. As impressive as 30GW of power is, it still pales in comparison to China’s plans to develop a 450GW solar and wind plant in the Gobi desert. This is no time for the U.S to rest on its laurels but, rather, an opportunity to think and act bigger.

Think Like a Gen Z’er: In today’s “war” for talent every employer is looking for a leg up on the competition. One way to gain a “leg up” is to think like a young person. This article, Gen Z Does Not Dream of Labor, may assist in this cause by helping business leaders get inside the heads of Generation Z. It may also provide some insights on how businesses can better “sell” their company to prospective employees.

Think Different: We rarely spend much time thinking about the medium we use to communicate — be it email, text, phone, Slack, Zoom, Twitter, etc — each has strengths and weaknesses. To this end, this article, The Subversive Genius of Extremely Slow Email, forced me to think differently about how I may want to communicate depending upon the unique characteristics of both the subject matter and the audience.

Afterthought: “More answers are only going to insulate us from the questions we actually need to be focusing on.”–Seth Godin