Think: AI breakthrough could spark medical revolution. Artificial intelligence has now been used to predict the structure of nearly every protein in the human body. This is significant because it could radically speed-up the development of scores of new drugs. (The challenge of the future will be to see if the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory bodies utilize their own version of AI to hasten the approval of these new drugs.)

Think Differently: Here is a provocative article that has made me think: How Afrofuturism Can Help the World Mend. I believe it might help you think a little differently as well.

Think Hard: If you’ve been a long-time subscriber to this newsletter this article, A New Generation of AI-Powered Robots is Taking Over Warehouses, won’t come as a surprise to you. However, this tidbit may: In the near future, any activity which previously required hands to perform may soon be automated away.

Think the Unthinkable: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the threat of climate change is real and, as the Secretary General of the United Nations recently stated, it is now “code red” for humanity. The threat, however, does not just stem from raising temperatures and wild fires. The real danger comes from the unknown–one such “X” factor is the possibility that the Gulf Stream may collapse.

Think Smarter: While much of the news about the future of the planet and climate change may be gloomy (if not downright depressing), there are reasons for optimism. In the near future, for example, tires may soon be much more environmentally-friendly. If you are interested in an even more in-depth article on why you might want to be optimistic about the future, I encourage you to read this older (but still relevant) article: A Realistic, Positive Picture of the State of Humanity.

Thought of the week: “It’s impossible,” said pride. “It’s risky,” said experience. “It’s pointless,” said reason. “Give it a try whispered the heart.”

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!”