Think: The convergence of the “human potential” movement with “change” movements has an incredible opportunity to create a “virtuous cycle” and positively impact the future. If you are tired of hearing about “doom and gloom” future scenarios, I encourage you to read this wonderful article by John Hagel, Connecting for Impact, and then get busy creating a better future!

Think Smarter:  If you want to think smarter there are few teachers better than Leonardo Da Vinci. This article provides some of “The Maestro’s” best kept secrets–Curiosita, Sfumato, and Connessione (Curiosity, ambiguity, and interconnectedness.)

Think by Writing: Want to think better? Try writing. This article can help: Kevin Kelly Writes to Find Out What He Doesn’t Know.

Think Like a Futurist: Your business is not the only thing that can get disrupted–even my job as a futurist is poised to be revolutionized. As I always tell my clients, artificial intelligence won’t put you out of business, but it will put those people who don’t embrace AI out of business: Now Hiring AI Futurists: It’s Time for Artificial Intelligence to Take a Seat in the C-Suite.

Heart-Centered Thinking: This is a gem of an article that made my heart sing: Imagining the Future is Creating the Future.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!