Think: For years, I have encouraged my readers to add a small dose of science fiction to their reading “diet.” The reason is because science fiction can help you expand your imagination and think deeper and more broadly about the future. This article, Science Fiction Explores the Interconnectedness Revealed by the Pandemic, outlines how science fiction may have helped you better prepare for the pandemic–and how it might help think about whatever is coming next.

Think Harder: I’ve written about it in the past, but it’s not too soon to begin thinking about “the quantum internet.” If you are curious about what it is, I encourage you to read–and think–about this article: Why the quantum internet will blow your mind.

Think About the Unthinkable: Climate change is real and the problem could be far worse as these two articles make painstakingly clear — Trillions of dollars in extra economic damages predicted  in new study of climate change  and Pathogens in the Permafrost: A New Climate Change Risk.

Think optimistically:  I understand the last post was more than a little depressing but the future is not necessarily bleak. There are optimistic ways to think about the future as these two articles suggests: A Sustainable, Poverty-Free Future is Possible for All and Leading Steel Maker in US Pivots to Renewable Energy.

Heart-Centered ThinkingI am a big fan of Japanese words such as kokoro and ikigai. I recently learned of the word  Ichigo Ichie and feel this article, Ichigo Ichie and the Zen Rules for Attention to Moments may help you think more deeply about the things that really matter.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!