The phrase “navel-gazing” has, at least in today’s western culture, come to refer to self-absorbed pursuits.

This is ironic because if you really do contemplate your belly-button you’re likely to be reminded that you were once physically connected to another human being.

This reminder of our “connectedness” is a far cry from self-absorption.

After our umbilical cords are severed, however, we quickly come to realize that we are still dependent upon our mothers for nourishment, and we do this by sucking from her bosom during our infancy.

Much like the phrase “navel-gazing” has come to have a negative connotation so, too, has the word “suck.”

How is it, though, that something so common and so essential to our existence now represents only bad things? (e.g. “This class sucks!”)

I don’t know the answer but I intend to ponder the question while gazing upon my bellybutton.

(Editor’s note: This metaphor was brought to my attention by a wonderful and wise talk I recently heard from Carl Hammerschlag.)

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