Editor’s Note: This week’s “Friday Future 15” will be short, sweet, and different. Moving forward, I intend to include a new category in my regular list of 15 “thinking” categories–Heart-Centered Thinking.

For too long, as a professional futurist, I have been relying solely on my analytical mind. This has been good (and has real value), but it is not sufficient. If you and I are to create the future we desire, we must also begin thinking with–and through–the heart.

I know some of you will think this is a “soft” idea, but as I explain in this keynote presentation (A More Beautiful Future: Why it Matters and How to Create It) operating from the heart is a “hard” trend and if businesses want to prosper in the future, all of us (myself included) must reconnect to our hearts and then bring it to bear on every aspect of our life and work.

If you do not already subscribe to Marina Popova’s brilliant and inspirational weekly newsletter, BrainPickings, I strongly encourage you to do so. (It’s free, but if you enjoy it please consider becoming a patron.)

Will you find practical, hard-hitting business advice in it? No. Will it make you wiser, humbler, and more heart-centered? Yes. Here is a link to this week’s “mid-week pick me up”: Anne Lamott on Refusing to Keep Yourself Small. I encourage you to read it and then use your heart to think about Lamott’s wise words.

In an effort to get in touch with my own heart, I have recently begun writing poetry. I invite you to read the poem I wrote yesterday, People I Will Never See, and then supplement it with my contribution to the new book, After Shock. (My chapter is entitled, Needed: Ambassadors to the Future.)

After you have done so, I invite you to spend some time thinking about how you can leave the world a better place for future generations.

I’ll be back next week with my new and revised edition of “Jack Uldrich’s Friday Future 15.”