Jack Uldrich
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The Fruits of Unlearning

Posted in Advertising, Analogy, Books, Business, Creativity, Humor, New Cards, Problems into Opportunities, The Way We See the Problem, Visual unlearning, Web 2.0

Yesterday, after delivering the opening keynote (on future trends) at Beyond 2010 in Edmonton, I had the pleasure of also delivering the closing remarks. Not surprisingly, I discussed the importance of unlearning. In between, however, I had the immense pleasure of listening to a wonderful speaker, Peter Hinssen, who is the author of a new book, The New Normal.

At one point, he showed this video clip from Blackberry:

It’s a great ad. Unfortunately, in this era of accelerating change and social media advances, the competition can punch back–quickly, cheaply and effectively as this Apple response demonstrates:

My take-a-way is this: Whenever you have a problem, always consider how it might be turned into an opportunity. If you do this you can reap the fruits of unlearning — be they blackberries, apples or any other fruit.


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