Over the years, as my thinking about the future has evolved, the following statement captures an important shift in my perspective: The future will not as much be about conquering outer space as it will be about conquering inner space.

In my previous work as a corporate futurist, I was focused almost exclusively on the physical world. To be sure, the material world is–and will remain–vitally important and I accept that humankind will move out into outer space. Lately, though, I’ve found myself spending more time contemplating the deeper future of humankind and, as I have done so, I’ve become convinced that spiritual matters will be the biggest driver of our collective future.

Of course, I cannot “prove” this notion but I do have some advice for you: Go into silence and listen for yourself; for it is difficult to understand yourself if you’re never alone with yourself. Here is the truth as I see it: We all need silence to hear the most important voice. 

Whether you are a believer in a Higher Power or not, I hope you can accept the idea that silence is the original language of the Universe. And, in this silence, we can train ourselves to “hear” things–the most important of which is this: What are we being called to do with our time in this physical world? 

My second piece of advice: When you do “hear” things in silence–trust what you’ve “heard” and then have the courage to act upon what your inner voice is telling you to do.

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