It’s sad that we never get trained to leave assumptions behind.”

We should question all the rules–we should break all the rules.”

I like to put myself in the most uncomfortable position.”

These three wonderful quotes (found in this article: What’s Next for Silicon Valley) come from Sebastian Thurn, the iconoclastic thinker and doer behind two of today’s most disruptive technologies: self-driven robotic automobiles and Udacity–a new, free online university.

To my mind, they offer further evidence that unlearning our old assumptions, beliefs and habits is more essential than ever if we hope to capture the full bounty of tomorrow’s extraordinary future.

Interested in some related articles on leaving assumptions behind; the importance of breaking rules; and getting uncomfortable? Check out these past posts:

Become Uncomfortable in Your Own Skin

Step into Your Discomfort Zone

A Surprising Question

The Writing is Clear: Break the Rules