Did you know the cartoon series The Jetson’s was originally released in September of 1963? Also, the program wasn’t a commercial success and only 26 episodes were ever produced.

The program’s relative failure may, perhaps, surprise you—especially if, like me, you grew up watching countless re-runs of the program.

The reason the program didn’t meet with commercial success is because, although the program was originally produced in color, less than one percent of American household’s in 1963 had color TVs and therefore couldn’t watch the program in color.

Not surprisingly, the Jetson’s doesn’t have the same futurist feel in black-and-white as it does in color.

It was only later when color television sets became the de facto console in most people’s homes that The Jetson’s began to catch on.

I offer this analogy because today’s Internet of Things—FitBits, Nest thermostats, and smart light bulbs—might not feel terribly futuristic but that’s because only 1 percent of all physical objects are currently connected to the Internet. When the remaining 99% are connected it is possible that our future might just feel as cool as the Jetson’s!

Interested in some of Jack Uldrich’s other thoughts on the Internet of Things? Check out these recent posts

10 Unexpected Ways the Internet of Things Will Open Up a Future of Opportunity

What Will the Future of the Internet Look Like?