quoteProust-300x219I’m please to announce the creation of a new keynote presentation. It is entitled: Vuja De: A Futurist Takes a Backwards Stroll into the World of Tomorrow. Below is a brief description:

The perfect keynote for any company, organization or association celebrating a major anniversary”!

Winston Churchill once said, “The farther back one can look, the farther ahead one can see.” He was right. And what better time for any organization to look into the future than when celebrating 25, 50 or 100 years of success?

Global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich has the unique ability to use yesterday’s history lessons as a prism for helping his audiences understand the future. He has created dozens of customized keynote presentations for centennial celebrations, as well as diamond, golden and silver anniversaries. From organizations as diverse as the Casualty Actuarial Society, Farm Credit Service and Stiles Machinery to the Cleveland Community College and the International Card Manufacturers Association, Jack always leaves his audiences proud of their rich tradition and past accomplishments but poised to confidently create their new future.

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Study Carneades, futurist, vuja de, keynote speaker