I'm a big fan of "to do" lists. In fact, I'm staring at one on my desk right now. Perhaps, like some of you, I even put the smallest of tasks on my list for no other reason than having the satisfaction of crossing the task off my list. 

 This is a habit I need to unlearn because it causes me to focus on items which are not of high priority. (Do I really need to order black ink for my printer right now?) 

 So, today, I created a "not to do" list. Here are some of the items on it: 

 1. Do not check email until the end of the day. 

 2. Do not Twitter more than once today. 

3. Don't worry about the actions of those people over whom I have no control. 

4. Don't respond to other people's priorities.
Often, the first step to unlearning is simply seeing something old from a new or different perspective. 

So, what's on your "not to do" list?