I love Minnesota Public Radio and I think the host of Mid-Morning, Kerri Miller, has one of the best jobs in the world. If I had the time, I'd listen to every program she has with an author. Unfortunately, I I don't. And, today, as I was rushing from one event to the next in my car, I caught only a snippet of her conversation with Lisa Gottlieb, the author of a new book, "Marry Him: The Case of Settling for Mr. Good Enough."  But one of Gottlieb's statements had me unlearning.

To wit, she said that often, before marriage, people spentd too much time focusing on the wrong characteristics of potential future partners.  That is we tend to ascribe too much weight to traits that really aren't that important. After we are married however, we come to realize that many of our partners most cherished and valued characteristics are ones we barely noticed beforehand.

So, this Valentine's Day, if you are still looking for love it might behoove you to spend a little less time focusing on what you think are the most important traits and a little more on some new traits. Why? Because you may find that those are the traits that will truly endure you to your loved one in the future.