[For the first time in years, I attended a conference not as a keynote speaker but as a participant. Yesterday, I was in Ennistymon, Ireland at The Changing Landscapes Conference. The articles I am sharing in this week’s newsletter offer compelling evidence for how fast our physical landscape is changing. I encourage all of us to think seriously about the long-term implications of these significant and challenging changes. Editor’s note: Because I am now on vacation, I will post this week’s articles without comment except for the final blurb which is a short personal commentary.]

Think: Alaska’s rusting waters: Pristine rivers and streams turning orange.

Think: Satellite radar data uncover “vigorous melting” at Antartica’s Thwaites Glacier.

Think: Study maps human uptake of micro plastics across 109 countries.

Think: Sea-levels are starting to rise faster: Here is how much South Florida is expecting.

Heart-Centered Thinking: Near the end of the conference, the moderator asked an interesting question: Who isn’t at the conference?  Surprisingly, none of the panelists said “future generations” and no one was so bold as to suggest that all the other species with whom we share this planet also deserved a “seat” and/or a “voice” at the table. I believe both oversights were mistakes. If we are to prosper as a species in the future, it is imperative we consider future generations in our thinking. I also think it is important to realize humans are not the only ones for whom this planet must work. If we don’t learn to truly love our descendants as well as all of the other glorious creations on this amazing and beautiful planet, I fear our collective future will be unnecessarily bleak. Having said this, I remain optimistic about the future because I know we are all capable of acting from the heart and leading with love. As an example, I offer this article on how local Irish citizens are working to secure a more nature-filled future.