The Future is Here: Dead People to Conduct “Live” Performances

Holograms are about to turn dead celebrities into pitchmen--and "live" performers. Can we just agree that the idea of dead people conducting "live" performances is yet another example of how the future can sometimes catch us by surprise. Related Posts Salt, Pearls and Aluminum: An Unusal Guide to Understanding the Future Kiss the Future Is the Future [...]

By |2015-09-23T09:50:04-05:00September 23, 2015|Future|Comments Off on The Future is Here: Dead People to Conduct “Live” Performances

The Language of the Future?

As a late member of the Baby Boom generation, I'm amazed at the speed that my teenage kids can text. My guess is that, soon, my children will be similarly amazed at the rapidity that the kids of the future will be able to "sign"--or gesture with their hands. This article and the video below outline Google's new Project [...]

By |2015-09-11T10:25:56-05:00September 11, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Language of the Future?

A Framework for Questioning the Future

In today's era of accelerating change, "answers" about the future are becoming more scarce. As a result, a premium is being placed on asking better questions about the future. Unfortunately, because most business leaders, CEO's and senior executives view themselves as action-oriented "problem-solvers," they have a bias for "answers" instead of "questions." As such, they don't really know [...]

By |2015-09-08T14:43:14-05:00September 8, 2015|Questions|Comments Off on A Framework for Questioning the Future

The Future Battle Line for Marketing: Instant or Delayed Gratification

The other day I posted an article outlining ten trends transforming the future of marketing. Hidden within these trends is an important new insight: The future of marketing will be a battle over gratification. More specifically, marketers will use new technologies (Big Data, mobile, social and location-based technologies, etc.) to get consumers to instantly gratify [...]

By |2015-09-04T12:42:02-05:00September 4, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The Future Battle Line for Marketing: Instant or Delayed Gratification

10 Trends That Will Transform the Future of Marketing

  Wearable Technology. Apple’s iWatch, FitBit, Oculus Rift have already arrived but society is just at the beginning of the “wearables” The question marketers need to ask themselves today is this: What will iWatch 2.0, FitBit 2.0 and Oculus 2.0 look like? My prediction is that the Internet will soon come directly to people in [...]

By |2015-08-30T12:16:36-05:00August 30, 2015|Future|Comments Off on 10 Trends That Will Transform the Future of Marketing

Question the Future: A New Keynote Presentation

Today, the greatest change is the rate of change itself. Put another way, society is transitioning to a period of constant transition. The net effect is that “answers” about the future are decreasing in value. This reality is, paradoxically, placing greater emphasis on the need to ask better questions. In this thought-provoking but practical presentation, [...]

By |2015-06-18T16:21:35-05:00June 18, 2015|Future, Questions|Comments Off on Question the Future: A New Keynote Presentation

Do You Need a Reverse Mentor?

Below is a math question from an admissions test for an elementary school in Hong Kong. The question was part of an admissions test for first-graders. They had 20 seconds to answer. Can you solve it? If not, you might want to consider getting a reverse mentor.

By |2015-06-15T15:54:25-05:00June 15, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Do You Need a Reverse Mentor?

Feeding the World Without GMOs

 The current world population is estimated to be just over seven billion people. By 2050 an estimated nine billion people will be living on Earth. Feeding two billion more people is a matter of eminent concern. How will this monumental task be achieved? It won’t easy but I’m confident it will be done. Let me [...]

By |2015-06-05T15:09:56-05:00June 5, 2015|Agriculture, Future|Comments Off on Feeding the World Without GMOs

Bring Back a Billion Butterflies!

This past February, I read this article in my local newspaper: “Nearly a Billion Monarchs Have Vanished.” After reading the article, I asked myself two questions: How do I feel about the condition of the butterflies? How do I explain the condition of the monarch butterflies to my children? The answer to the first question [...]

By |2015-06-01T05:39:58-05:00June 1, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Bring Back a Billion Butterflies!

Pearls, Salt and Aluminum: An Unusual Guide to Understanding the Future

In 41 B.C., Cleopatra reportedly dissolved a giant pearl—worth 10,000,000 sesterces (approximately the net worth of 15 countries at the time)—into a glass of wine vinegar in effort to demonstrate to Mark Anthony the extent of her wealth. Today, we can grow “cultured” pearls and the material is a fraction of its former value. In [...]

By |2015-05-28T14:44:29-05:00May 28, 2015|Future|Comments Off on Pearls, Salt and Aluminum: An Unusual Guide to Understanding the Future
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