Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” June 26, 2020

Think: Richard Feynman is one of my intellectual heroes. This article can be summed up with this piece of timeless advice from Feynman: "Assume nothing, question everything." There are a number of other nuggets in this article--I encourage you to give it a read: Richard Feynman's Unique Approach to Life, Learning and Thinking. Think Harder: Want [...]

By |2020-06-25T18:40:07-05:00June 25, 2020|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” June 26, 2020

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” June 5, 2020

Think: As a life-long resident of Minneapolis, I have been doing a fair amount of soul-searching this past week. One of the things I have been thinking a great deal about is the issue of "white privilege." To be candid, I did not give this issue much thought before George Floyd. This extraordinary article, The [...]

By |2020-06-04T17:31:40-05:00June 4, 2020|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” June 5, 2020

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” May 29, 2020

Think: As you think about the future, there are few better ways to spend your time as a leader than to think about "the potential of achieving your potential." This article can help. Think Smarter:  If we are to achieve a better future, we need to re-engage our imaginations and ask better--and smarter--questions. This article [...]

By |2020-05-28T17:43:20-05:00May 28, 2020|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” May 29, 2020

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” May 22, 2020

Think: The convergence of the "human potential" movement with "change" movements has an incredible opportunity to create a "virtuous cycle" and positively impact the future. If you are tired of hearing about "doom and gloom" future scenarios, I encourage you to read this wonderful article by John Hagel, Connecting for Impact, and then get busy [...]

By |2020-05-21T17:12:28-05:00May 21, 2020|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” May 22, 2020

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” May 15, 2020

Think: The economy may or may not rebound soon. The economic recovery might also not look like anything you are expecting. This article on a Y-shaped recovery will likely challenge many of your assumptions about the future. Think Smarter:  This "Day After Corona Checklist" is chock-full of good ideas. Here's just one smart question that can help [...]

By |2020-05-15T07:35:17-05:00May 15, 2020|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” May 15, 2020

Jack Uldrich’s “Future Friday 5:” May 8, 2020

Think: There was a trend emerging before Coronavirus and I believe it will now be accelerated by the pandemic. A colleague, Camille Kolles, and I call it "Generation RE," and you may want to begin thinking today about what this "generation" might mean for you and your business in the future: The Great Reset and [...]

By |2020-05-08T07:19:20-05:00May 8, 2020|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Future Friday 5:” May 8, 2020
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