Think: With Regenerative Agriculture Booming, the Question of Pesticide Use Looms Large. To all of my clients in the farming and the agribusiness industries, this is something to think about now.

Think Twice: Hormel Enters The “Beyond Meat” Arena. The meat industry is on some very “thin ice.” It needs to think twice about its future.

Think Different: Tech for the Greater Good. If you happen to think technology is bad, try thinking different. 

Think Harder: The Permafrost Nightmare Turns (More) Real. If you are not thinking about the impact of climate change on your business, you need to think harder.

Think Like a Futurist: The Most Powerful Mindfulness is Future-Focused. Take some “me” time to think about the future.

Think Like a Child: Orville Wright Did Not Have a Pilot’s License. Think about it.

Think 10X: Dominion Energy Virginia Plans Largest EV School Bus Rollout in the US. This trend could grow more than 10X! The time to think about it is now.

Think Faster: China’s Didi Chuxing Launches Robot Taxi Experiment in Shanghai. This future is arriving faster than expected in many places.

Think Sustainably: Planting Our Way Toward a Healthier, Greener Future. It is time for all of us to stop talking about climate change, and start planting trees!

Think in Questions: 40 Thought-Provoking Questions You’ll Enjoy Thinking About.

Think Bigger: Gartner Says 100 Million Consumers Will Shop in Augmented Reality by 2020. This trend is getting bigger, fast!

Think Visually: Using Data to See the Future Faster. Data suggests huge opportunities await businesses that can provide affordable solutions in higher education, healthcare, and childcare.

Think Radically: How a River Became a Legal Person. Does granting a river legal personhood sound radical? Perhaps, but is it really any more radical than granting a corporation “legal personhood” as the U.S. Legal system does? Is Bayer/Monsanto worth more than, say, the Mississippi River?

Think Anew: The Meandering Path to That Aha! Moment. Thinking about something different can often help you come to a powerful insight. The trick, therefore, is to sometimes not think about what you should be thinking about.

Think the Unthinkable: If you are in higher education, think about this: Harvard Professor Says Half of All Colleges Won’t Exist in 10 Years.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!