It sounds paradoxical. How can you over-deliver on results by under-scheduling your day? It's easy, really. First, by Overdeliver underscheduling your day you will give yourself some time to think and reflect. And, by taking this time you will, counter-intuitively, come to focus on those things which are truly important. You will drop the clutter from your life. To help you achieve this goal, I'd like to suggest making a not-to-list.

Second, as Cal Newport writes in this wonderful post on The Minimalist's Guide to Cultivating Passion, underscheduling your time will also leave you time for unstructured exploration and it is within this unstructured exploration that you will not only find your passion, it will also give you the time to follow-up on that passion and then deliver that product to the world.

So go ahead don't just do something, sit there. Unlearn your bias toward constant, hectic action.