Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5: August 5, 2022”

Think Smarter: One emerging trend that isn't generating much attention, but is one I encourage every organization to think about, is "degrowth"--which I loosely define as consumers' growing desire to reduce, reuse and repurpose products. This article, France's Most Valuable StartUp's Raison D'etre is Creating a Circular Economy for Tech, will give you a glimpse [...]

By |2022-08-03T15:56:14-05:00August 3, 2022|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5: August 5, 2022”

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 22, 2022

Think Optimistically: To those who believe the world is "going to hell," I say "think again"! If you look around your community, you will find all kinds of people quietly working to make the world a better place. You have two options: You can "bitch and moan" or you can roll up your sleeves and [...]

By |2022-07-21T13:46:55-05:00July 21, 2022|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 22, 2022

Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 1, 2022

In this week's "Future Friday 5," Jack Uldrich takes a break from his usual musings to offer some insights into his latest book, The Regeneration: Sowing Seeds for a Future of Reimagination, Reconnection, and Regeneration.

By |2022-06-30T13:32:31-05:00June 30, 2022|Future|Comments Off on Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” July 1, 2022
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