Shedding Some Light on the Coming Genomic Revolution

Twenty-two hundred years ago, you needed to work 50 hours to buy an hour of light from a sesame oil lantern. Today, to purchase an hour of an even cleaner and brighter light, it takes the average person about half a second. Such is the nature of technological progress. Yet, I think we can all [...]

By |2011-09-28T12:35:50-05:00September 28, 2011|Agriculture, Future|Comments Off on Shedding Some Light on the Coming Genomic Revolution

Opportunity in Suburbia

I'm in Newport, Rhode Island today to deliver the closing keynote address at the Farm Credit Corporations 2011 National Directors Conference. The title of my presentation is "Preparing for the Future: A Steep Unlearning Curve." As I wrote on my other website today, change is the only constant. It is a message I intend to [...]

By |2011-09-13T14:53:20-05:00September 13, 2011|Agriculture|Comments Off on Opportunity in Suburbia

A Futurist Foresees 1000-Fold Increase in Robotics

This past spring, I discussed (in the video below) how the field of robotics could grow 1000-fold in the coming decade. In practical terms, I said this meant that certain industries use of robotics would increase "from thousands of robots to millions." At the time, my prediction was met with skepticism by some in the [...]

By |2011-08-03T07:00:19-05:00August 3, 2011|Agriculture|Comments Off on A Futurist Foresees 1000-Fold Increase in Robotics

The Future of Environmentalism: A Case Study from Tomorrow

(Editor's note: I was recently asked by The Food Ethic's Council in London to contribute a short piece on " a future ethical issue" as it might relate to food. Below is my contribution. As always, I'd welcome your feedback.) Rachel strolled down to her local grocery store and waved her smartphone across [...]

By |2011-07-28T14:06:19-05:00July 28, 2011|Agriculture, Future, Unlearning|Comments Off on The Future of Environmentalism: A Case Study from Tomorrow

Sensing a Revolution

A diaper that tells a parent when it needs to be changed; slippers that can tell if Grandma needs to visit the doctor; or an implantable antenna that can tell a farmer when "Bessy the cow" is in heat. Such applications are just the beginning of the sensor revolution. By the end of the [...]

By |2011-07-21T16:22:20-05:00July 21, 2011|Agriculture, Future|Comments Off on Sensing a Revolution

The Tale of the Junky Carrot

What do you do if you want to sell more carrots? One thing, apparently, is to begin viewing the world from a different perspective. Recently, Fast Company, published this insightful article describing how the creative team at Crispin (an advertising firm) helped BoltHouse Farms increase sales of its pre-cut baby carrots. How did they do [...]

By |2011-04-25T04:14:26-05:00April 25, 2011|Agriculture, Creativity, Questions|Comments Off on The Tale of the Junky Carrot

What Does Tomorrow Hold?

Wonderful interview with Ray Kurzweil on the Colbert Report. Fun futurist fact: “A teenager in Africa today has access to more information than the President of United States had 15 years ago.” The Colbert Report Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c Ray Kurzweil Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor & Satire Blog Video Archive [...]

By |2011-04-15T09:10:00-05:00April 15, 2011|Agriculture, Future|Comments Off on What Does Tomorrow Hold?

The Greener Pastures of Unlearning

In yet another example of turning a problem into an opportunity, developers in New Jersey have used fallow land to install a large solar farm on Rutger's Livingston campus. To date, the solar farm has reduced the university's electricity bill by $235,000 and, better yet, earned it $1.4 million in clean energy credits. Related Post [...]

By |2011-04-15T07:46:26-05:00April 15, 2011|Agriculture, Energy|Comments Off on The Greener Pastures of Unlearning

Rake Your Brain

After a long winter, I was finally able to get outside this past weekend and begin preparing my yard for the spring growing season. As I raked away the leaves, I thought the exercise was a fitting metaphor for what each of us should every now-and-again. When was the last time you raked your brain [...]

By |2011-04-14T09:18:22-05:00April 14, 2011|Agriculture, Spiritual, Wisdom|Comments Off on Rake Your Brain
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